Professional Services

Onsite Stores

Establishment of onsite stores

Geo Safety can aid in the establishment of onsite stores ensuring that cost saving occurs through the total reduction of stock ownership by client.

With onsite stores, ownership of stock is the responsibility of Geo Safety and there is no stock holding so our customers pay only for what is used. Stock losses are minimised by reducing theft, fraud, and over-issuing of PPE. We also share our vast amount of PPE expertise with our onsite store customers and provide emergency 24hour access to PPE.

If you are interested in the establishment of an onsite store please contact
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Geo Inventory Control System (NICS) at onsite stores

Geo can monitor, control and measure PPE through site survey information gathered from regular detailed reports. When used in conjunction with product datasheets and Geo Inventory Control System (NICS) these reports provide valuable data such as consumption by plant, by employee, by job description, by cost centre and by item.

Process at onsite stores

To ensure the continued safety of all staff and the compliance with all local, national and international laws, Geo personnel regularly attend client safety forums. NICS also monitors any injuries on site to establish if PPE is being used correctly and Geo consults with the Health and Safety Department to collect any further suggestions for improvement. Any incidents that do occur are investigated, reported and shared to promote better safety awareness.

Emergency Delivery Plan at onsite stores

Geo has prepared a reliable and efficient emergency delivery matrix that identifies the chain of command and agreed approval process for delivery to each area department.


Technical Support and Training

Comprehensive catalogues and detailed product data sheets are available for reference purpose and Geo Safety has the ability to do technical training at least once a month either onsite or at the Isando training facility.